BlogPost #023

Using typewriters in the era of laptops:
a glimpse into the future of academia

WE'RE BACK, NetPALS!!! New format, new faces, and ready to start again. In the last seminar, we had our first round table, our new format of NetPLACE seminars, led by Danilo Riccio from Queen Mary University of London.

Danilo made a short presentation, titled "Using Typewriters in the Era of Laptops: A Glimpse into the Future of Academia.

He talked about the tools offered now by AI for research, including coding and writing (chatGPT), grammar checking (grammarly), literature review (connected papers), and theorem proving (LEAN). 

In the second part of his talk, Danilo discussed what the future in AI holds for us researchers. He believes that AI will generate theorems and proofs. 

Future AI tools will also be capable of automatically verifying research results, potentially leading to automation in the reviewing process.

And what about creativity? Can machines have ideas as humans do? The following discussion diverted to this topic, very controversial and probably the one we are most afraid of. Even if we found out that AI can be creative (with creativity being a concept that is not yet well defined), will we accept it as original work? Would you read a paper produced entirely by AI? 

Join the discussion by leaving a comment on this thread! The talk is available on our Youtube channel